Everything You Need to Know About Upsert in SQL Server : cybexhosting.net

Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide to Upsert in SQL Server. Whether you are a beginner or an expert in SQL Server, you will find this article useful in understanding the concept and the best practices. Upsert is a word coined from the combination of “update” and “insert.” With upsert, you can update an existing record if it exists, and if it does not exist, you can insert a new record. This article will take you through the concepts, syntax, and real-world examples of using upsert in SQL Server. Let’s dive in.

What is Upsert in SQL Server?

Upsert is a combination of two SQL operations, Insert and Update. It is a way to insert a new row into a table if it does not exist, or update an existing row if it does. Upsert is also known as Merge in SQL Server. The merge operation was introduced in SQL Server 2008 and is a recommended approach for performing upsert.

Before the introduction of the merge statement, developers used to write complicated code to achieve upsert functionality. With the introduction of the merge statement, performing an upsert operation became more natural and efficient. The merge statement provides a concise way to write an upsert statement without the need for complicated code.

Merge Syntax in SQL Server

The syntax for the merge statement in SQL Server is as follows:

MERGE INTO TargetTable AS T USING SourceTable AS S ON T.KeyColumn = S.KeyColumn
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET T.Column1 = S.Column1, T.Column2 = S.Column2
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (KeyColumn, Column1, Column2) VALUES (S.KeyColumn, S.Column1, S.Column2)

Why Use Upsert in SQL Server?

Upsert provides an efficient way to add or update data in a table. Without upsert, developers would need to execute two SQL statements to achieve the same result. The first statement would check if the record exists in the table, and the second statement would either insert or update the record. By using upsert, developers can perform both operations in a single statement, which is more efficient and easier to maintain.

Another reason to use upsert is to avoid duplicate data in the table. When inserting new data into a table, developers must ensure that the data does not already exist. Without upsert, developers would have to perform a check to ensure that the data does not exist before inserting it. With upsert, developers can perform the check and insert the data in a single statement.

Real-world Examples of Upsert in SQL Server

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of using upsert in SQL Server.

Example 1: Using Merge Statement

Suppose you have a table called Customers with the following columns: CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, and Email. You want to insert a new record if the email does not exist, and if the email already exists, you want to update the record with the new FirstName and LastName. Here’s how you can achieve this using the merge statement:

MERGE INTO Customers AS T USING (SELECT ‘john@example.com’ AS Email, ‘John’ AS FirstName, ‘Doe’ AS LastName) AS S ON T.Email = S.Email
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET T.FirstName = S.FirstName, T.LastName = S.LastName
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Email, FirstName, LastName) VALUES (S.Email, S.FirstName, S.LastName)

In the above example, we are inserting a new record with Email = ‘john@example.com’, FirstName = ‘John’, LastName = ‘Doe’. If the email already exists in the table, we are updating the record with the new FirstName and LastName. If the email does not exist in the table, we are inserting a new record with the provided values.

Example 2: Using Merge Statement with Variables

Suppose you have a table called Orders with the following columns: OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate, and TotalAmount. You want to insert a new record if the OrderID does not exist, and if the OrderID already exists, you want to update the record with the new TotalAmount. Here’s how you can achieve this using the merge statement with variables:

DECLARE @OrderID INT = 1001; DECLARE @TotalAmount DECIMAL(18,2) = 100.00;
MERGE INTO Orders AS T USING (SELECT @OrderID AS OrderID, @TotalAmount AS TotalAmount) AS S ON T.OrderID = S.OrderID
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (OrderID, TotalAmount) VALUES (S.OrderID, S.TotalAmount)

In the above example, we are using variables @OrderID and @TotalAmount to insert or update data in the Orders table. If the OrderID already exists in the table, we are updating the record with the new TotalAmount. If the OrderID does not exist in the table, we are inserting a new record with the provided values.

FAQs About Upsert in SQL Server

What is the difference between an insert and an upsert?

An insert statement is used to add new records to a table, while an upsert statement is used to add a record if it does not exist or update the record if it already exists.

What is the best way to implement an upsert in SQL Server?

The best way to implement an upsert in SQL Server is to use the merge statement. The merge statement provides a concise and efficient way to write an upsert statement without the need for complicated code.

Can I use upsert on multiple tables in SQL Server?

No, you cannot use upsert on multiple tables in SQL Server. Upsert is designed to work on a single table.

Is upsert supported in all versions of SQL Server?

No, upsert is not supported in all versions of SQL Server. The merge statement was introduced in SQL Server 2008 and is available in all later versions.

What happens if there is a conflict in the upsert operation?

If there is a conflict in the upsert operation, the merge statement provides options for handling the conflict. You can choose to update the record with the new values, ignore the update, or raise an error.


Upsert is a powerful concept in SQL Server that allows developers to insert or update data in a table efficiently. The merge statement provides a concise and efficient way to write an upsert statement without the need for complicated code. We hope this article has been helpful in understanding the concept and best practices of using upsert in SQL Server. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

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